Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts

Ján Semjon, Mikuláš Hajduk, Jozef Varga, Rudolf Jánoš, Peter Marcinko

American Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts

Ján Semjon1,, Mikuláš Hajduk1, Jozef Varga1, Rudolf Jánoš1, Peter Marcinko1

1Department of robotics, Technical university of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia


The article is aimed at addressing the assembly process of electrical contacts of the two size types. The proposed solution automates the entire process of installation clamps in two sizes, with the use of robot SCARA. The workplace is composed of a rotary table with 6 positions, the two pneumatic screwdrivers, vibratory trays and conveyors. The electric contacts are used to connect cables carrying the voltages of 400 V and currents 32 or 63 A.

Cite this article:

  • Ján Semjon, Mikuláš Hajduk, Jozef Varga, Rudolf Jánoš, Peter Marcinko. Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 4, No. 7, 2016, pp 258-261.
  • Semjon, Ján, et al. "Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts." American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 4.7 (2016): 258-261.
  • Semjon, J. , Hajduk, M. , Varga, J. , Jánoš, R. , & Marcinko, P. (2016). Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts. American Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 4(7), 258-261.
  • Semjon, Ján, Mikuláš Hajduk, Jozef Varga, Rudolf Jánoš, and Peter Marcinko. "Assembly Workplace of Electrical Contacts." American Journal of Mechanical Engineering 4, no. 7 (2016): 258-261.

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At a glance: Figures

1. Introduction

The current trend in assembly operations seeks to ease the burden human from repetitive work, wherein during the mounting of there are no frequent modifications. Automated assembly compared to manual assembly is distinguished mainly higher productivity and stability of quality. It can say that automation of these of workplaces is based on the development of special-purpose equipment based on pneumatic or electric actuators, supplemented by automatic feeding of input objects. For entry precise positioning and orientation objects are used vibratory trays. In the achievement event of a larger assembly times are used for the administration of more complex components, a variety of robotic devices. These workplaces have repeated cycles of assembly and for control of such workplace is sufficient regulation PLC or industrial computer [1, 2, 5].

2. Type of Electrical Contacts

A complete clamp (TS1, TS2) consists of three components, Tab. 1, the connecting material (C) and the washer (W) is the same for both clamps. The only difference is in the size of the components G - girder.

Table 1. System model for functional unit based on DSM

3. Requirements for Solutions Automated Workplace

The requirements for solutions:

• Required quantity for one work shift (7.5 hour) – 7000 piece.

• Assembly of two types of clamps (TS1, TS2) at one workplace after necessary adjustments.

Simplified calculation of productivity:

1. The number of produced clamps (NPC) for 7.5 hour (27 000 seconds):

NPC = time per shift / time installation of a clamp


The total theoretical productivity of one shift (7.5 hrs) will have a value of 7297 pieces.

2. The time required to manufacture 7000 pieces of clamps:

C7000 = 7000 piece * time assembly on one a clamp


Required number of 7.000 pieces assembled of clamps can be reached in 7.2 hours. This means a reserve on the time of downtime is 0.3 hours (1080 seconds) during work shift.

4. The Proposal of Assembly Process

Whereas it is necessary at one site installed two types of clamps, it has been designed systems using a system of removable nests. The assembly process is derived from the system of exchange nest of parts (Girder - G1 / G2), Figure 1. When the need a change the production of clamps TS1 to TS2, or vice versa, the operator proceed as follows:

•  Empties the each nest filled with clamps.

•  Empty the stack finished parts filled with clamps.

•  Replacing individual nests on the equipment by means of quick-change system (the total number of nests of 6 pieces).

•  Supplement of the component clamps into the respective vibrating hopper (vibratory conveyors).

•  Adjust the in the control panel realization changes production – assembly.

•  On the control panel SCARA robot selects the appropriate program.

•  Start assembly of clamps.

The nest is made of tool steel (1.2080 (X210Cr12, 19 436) to increase resistance and for prevent corrosion during the life of the device. The proposal is based on the assembly procedure divided into three basic steps, Table 2.

Using a vibrating conveyors is can be achieved by running time of workplace without operator intervention max. 4 hours. Before the expiry of four hours light signal alerts the operator of require additions to components into vibrating trays and conveyors. If will not be located the components at the output of the vibration trays, will stop working the workplace. Inserting one piece component G1/G2 and one piece component W lasting a total of 3.05 seconds. [4] Details about the procedures work on each position is displayed in the Table 3.

Table 3. Procedure work on positions of rotary table

Automated workplace at position (P1) is provided with two vibrating trays for shipment of parts G1, G2 and W. When mounting can be run only one vibrating tray by type of production which is ensured by means of control system. When mounting clamps TS1 is running vibrating tray of components G1 and when fitting clamps TS2 is running vibrating tray of components G2. Adding the components G1 / G2 to vibrating trays during operation is realized by vibratory conveyors. At position (P2 and P3) are located pneumatic screwdriver from DEPRAG. At each of these positions is carried screwing one screw C (M5-12 DIN 7985), which is conveyed from the vibrating tray to the head screwdrivers by means of pipework. Refilling of screws to vibrating tray during operation of the solution is analogous to the positions 1 by means of vibratory conveyors.

Position (P4) is used to check correct installation using a camera Omron F150. The camera can detect the correct positioning of washers and connecting material. In case, that in clamps is not fitted on the screw, or screws in the rather wide angle, as recommended, the camera control system will send information on dumped assembled clamps at position 5. In the event that camera system evaluates the assembly as a good, the control system sends information of the release finished clamp in the position the 6. On the basis the information sent from the camera system to the control system devices can be accurately determine the number of good and bad assembled clamps TS1 and TS2. [7]

Positions (P5 and P6) is for releasing of clamps from the rotary table. Releasing clamps is solved by a pneumatic cylinder, where rotation of the nest to a suitable position for releasing the clamp is carried out by turning nest from horizontal to the vertical position of 90°. After releasing the clamps it is realized return the nest on starting position and is ready to movement on position 1. At the fifth position occurs when poorly assembled clamp to its removal from the nest. On the sixth (last) position is carried the ejection well assembled clamps. [3, 8]

Proposals the work position on the turntable is tackled by the carousel, containing the six position. The individual steps are described in the Figure 2.

Location of individual parts the nests and clamps TS2 of the rotary table, shown by in sectional view, Figure 3.

For manipulation with components G1 / G2 and W was selected industrial SCARA type robot from Yamaha (YK250XG-150-FS-5L) with a control system RCX240S. Gripper robot uses for handling threaded holes in components G1 / G2 and W having of both fitting parts of the same diameter and pitch. Rotation of parts to correct position is solved by means of a pneumatic rotary table DHTG-90-6-A from Festo.

Flowchart of a process control of workplace is shown in, Figure 4. Management of workplace is ensured by the PLC. [6].

Design of automated workplace shown in, Figure 5.

5. Conclusion

The article describes the proposal of automated assembly clamps for the electrical industry. With regard to the entry imposed requirements by customers is in article displayed a schematic proposal of the automated the mounting of clamps. Furthermore, Article describes the proposal itself automatized system as a whole as well as the design of the individual components of mounting the workplace. The project is elaborated into stages of implementation, the proposed solution meets the stated requirements. Estimated daily productivity of the workplace during one shift without downtime is 7297 pieces.


This contribution is the result of the project implementation: 059TUKE-4-2014 Rozvoj kvality života, tvorivosti a motoriky hendikepovaných a starších osôb s podporou robotických zariadení.


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