Figures index


Kinetic Thermal Degradation of Cellulose, Polybutylene Succinate and a Green Composite: Comparative Study

Benarbia Abderrahim, Elidrissi Abderrahman, Aqil Mohamed, Tabaght Fatima, Tahani Abdesselam, Ouassini Krim

World Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2015, 3(4), 95-110 doi:10.12691/wjee-3-4-1
  • Scheme1. Synthesis of Polybutylene succinate (PBS) by polycondensation reaction
  • Figure 1. FTIR spectrum of Polybutylene Succinate synthesized
  • Figure 2. 1H-NMR spectrum of the polybutylene succinate
  • Figure 3. DSC thermograms of the polybutylene succinate
  • Figure 4. (a) RX spectrum of polybutylene succinate, (b) Melting enthalpies of the polybutylene succinate
  • Figure 5. FTIR spectrum of the commercial cellulose
  • Figure 6. FTIR spectrum of the commercial polycaprolactone
  • Figure 7. FTIR spectrum of the cellulose (80%)/PBS (20%) blend
  • Figure 8. TGA dynamic thermograms of Cellulose, PBS, and physical blend of both polymers at heating rate (β: 10 °C/min)
  • Figure 9. Derivative thermogrammes DrTG curves of (1) cellulose, (2) Polybutylene succinate and (3) the physical blend of both polymers at different heating rates β: 5 °C/min; 10 °C/min and 15 °C/min. ; Tp is the fastest decomposing temperature used by Kissinger equation
  • Figure 10. Ozawa plots of (1) cellulose, (2) polybutylene succinate, (3) blend of cellulose (80%) and polybutylene succinate (20%), fractional extent of reaction: α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
  • Figure 11. Friedman plots of (1) cellulose, (2) polybutylene succinate and (3) blend of cellulose (80%) and polybutylene succinate (20%), fractional extent of reaction: α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
  • Figure 12. Coatse-Redfern (modified) plots of (1) cellulose, (2) polybutylene succinate and (3) blend of cellulose (80%) and polybutylene succinate (20%), fractional extent of reaction: α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
  • Figure 13. Kissinger plots of (1) cellulose, (2) polybutylene succinate and (3) blend of cellulose (80%) and polybutylene succinate (20%)
  • Figure 14. Dependence of activation energy (Ea) on mass conversion (α), as calculated by OFW methods for cellulose, polybutylene succinate and blend of cellulose (80%) and polybutylene succinate (20%)
  • Figure 15. Relationship between and Ln (1 - α) at β=10 °C/min for pyrolysis of the Cellulose(1), the PBS(2) and the physical blend [Cellulose (80%) + PBS (20%)] (3): experimental and correlated results [43]
  • Figure 16. DrTGA DTG curves of polycaprolactone at different heating rates β: 5 °C/min; 10 °C/min and 15 °C/min. ; Tp is the most rapidly decomposing temperature used by Kissinger equation
  • Figure 17. Kissinger plots of polycaprolactone
  • Figure 18. Ozawa plots of polycaprolactone fractional extent of reaction: α =0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9
  • Figure 19. TGA dynamic thermograms polycaprolactone at heating rates β: 10 °C/min
  • Figure 20. Activation energy (Ea) dependence on mass conversion (α), as calculated by OFW method for the blend [cellulose 80%, polybutylene succinate 20%] and polycaprolactone