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Low-cost Spectroscopy: Experiments in Various Spectral Ranges

Patrick Gräb, Ekkehard Geidel, Hans-Christian Schmitt

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 9(4), 144-151 doi:10.12691/wjce-9-4-7
  • Figure 1. Low-cost spectrometer setup connected via a Raspberry Pi
  • Figure 2. Plastic separation in miniature using NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy showing the main components (bottom) and a schematic thereof (top)
  • Figure 3. NIR reflection spectra of PE, PS, and PMMA
  • Figure 4. Arrangement of the main components of the model interferometer to determine the wavelength of a green laser
  • Figure 5. Measured voltages upon changing the mirror displacement up to 15 μm, the number of maxima corresponds to the number of observed light-dark transitions in the interference pattern
  • Figure 6. Schematic structure of nondispersive infrared sensor SCD30, adapted from [21]
  • Figure 7. Carbon dioxide release in alcoholic fermentation processes using different sucrose concentrations (top) and different fresh yeast concentrations (bottom)
  • Figure 8. Experimental setup for measuring CO2 concentrations during photosynthesis and cell respiration
  • Figure 9. Carbon dioxide concentration before and after darkening the plant’s environment (top) and after oxygen enrichment (bottom)