Figures index


Experimental Approach for Efficiency Determination of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution

Philipp Lanfermann, Christoph Weidmann, Janina Dege, Steven Celik, Alexander Tasch, Mona Christin Maaß, Thomas Waitz

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2021, 9(4), 185-189 doi:10.12691/wjce-9-4-11
  • Figure 1. Schematic illustration of a semiconductor photocatalyst.
  • Figure 2. Plot of the iron(II) phenanthroline concentration against the absorbance measured in a standard cuvette with a thickness of 1 cm.
  • Figure 3. Plot of the amount of iron(II) ions against the time in seconds
  • Figure 4. CdS/ZnS photocatalyst after drying
  • Figure 5. Experimental setup. Left: actinometry; right: hydrogen evolution
  • Figure 6. Plot of the amount of hydrogen in mole against time in seconds