Figures index


Multitouch Experiment Instruction for a Better Learning Outcome in Chemistry Education

Johann Seibert, Heike Luxenburger-Becker, Matthias Marquardt, Vanessa Lang, Franziska Perels, Christopher W. M. Kay, Johannes Huwer

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2020, 8(1), 1-8 doi:10.12691/wjce-8-1-1
  • Figure 1. D-INVO-model adapted to the INVO-model [13]
  • Figure 2. Overview of the experiments
  • Figure 3. Structure and overview of the eBook
  • Figure 4. Buttons in a Multitouch Experiment Instruction
  • Figure 5. First experiment page with all tasks and helps
  • Figure 6. Design and arrangement of one experimental task (here task 1)