Figures index


Experimental Determination of Planck’s constant using Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and Photoelectric Effect

Andrea Checchetti, Alessandro Fantini

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2015, 3(4), 87-92 doi:10.12691/wjce-3-4-2
  • Figure 1. The current -voltage curve for a typical LED
  • Figure 2. The current -voltage curve for a typical LED
  • Figure 3. Apparatus for the measurements
  • Figure 4. Electric circuit for measuring the voltage-current response of each LED
  • Figure 5. Optical Bench
  • Figure 6. Electric circuit for measuring the current flows
  • Figure 7. The linear part of the current –voltage curve for a red led
  • Figure 8. The linear graph of average (on the abscissa the values of the potentials of arrest, and on the ordinates the calculated values of h