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Visualizing the Origin of the Exchange Energy

Surusch Djalali, Amitabh Banerji, Martin Kleinschmidt, Peter Gilch, Lena Halbrügge

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 11(4), 141-148 doi:10.12691/wjce-11-4-3
  • Figure 1. Energetic consequence of the exchange interaction illustrated for a molecule with a singlet ground state S0 (left). This state features doubly occupied orbitals. The one highest in energy is denoted with ψ1. The unoccupied orbital lowest in energy is denoted ψ2. Excited states are formally constructed by promoting one electron from the orbital ψ1 to the orbital ψ2. The excitation can result in a singlet state S1 (center) and a triplet state T1 (right). The two excited states are energetically separated by twice the exchange energy, 2K.
  • Figure 2. Correspondence between the signs in the singlet and triplet wavefunctions (eq. (4) and (5)) and the symmetry properties of the respective diagrams (for a description of these diagrams see Figure 4). The plus sign in the spatial part of the singlet wavefunction corresponds to a symmetric behavior of the respective diagram upon rotation around the diagonal. For the triplet state the minus sign corresponds to an anti-symmetric behavior
  • Figure 3. Lowest two (n=1,2) PIB wavefunctions (dash-dotted lines) and their absolute squares (solid lines). The wavefunctions and their squares have been shifted vertically according to their energy
  • Figure 4. Contour representation of the spatial part of the two-electron wavefunction considered here (left) and their absolute square (right). The top row refers to the singlet state, the lower one to the triplet one
  • Figure 5. One dimensional cuts along the contour representations plotted in Figure 4. The graphs on the left refer to the diagonal (x1=x2), the ones on the right the “anti-diagonal” (x2=L-x1). Dash-dotted lines represent wavefunctions, the solid ones their absolute square