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Cicada Shells as Chemical Education Resources to Study Functional Groups and Environmental Cycles

Naoki Maruyama, Toratane Munegumi

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2023, 11(4), 127-133 doi:10.12691/wjce-11-4-1
  • Figure 1. Acid-mediated hydrolysis of chitin through the formation of hemiacetal and free amino moieties to give glucosamine.
  • Figure 2. Benedict reaction with reducing sugars
  • Figure 3. Ninhydrin reaction with compounds containing amino groups.
  • Figure 4. Dissection of cicada shells for the acid-hydrolysis reaction
  • Figure 5. Benedict reaction of (a) standard chitin and (b) cicada shells hydrolyzed in 6 M HCl at 110 C. Using Benedict: 0.50 mL for 24 h (A); 1.00 mL for 24 h (B).
  • Figure 6. Benedict reaction of (a) standard chitin and (b) cicada shells hydrolyzed in 12 m HCl at 110 C. (c) Acid-hydrolysis of cicada shells in 12 m HCl at 110 C before the Benedict reaction. 0 h (A): without chitin; 0 h (B): with chitin.
  • Figure 7. Benedict reaction of standard (a) chitin and (b) cicada shells hydrolyzed in 12 M HCl at 25 C.
  • Figure 8. Ninhydrin reaction with the reaction mixtures of hydrolyzed chitin and cicada shells in 6 M HCl at 110 C.
  • Figure 9. Ninhydrin reaction with the reaction mixtures of hydrolyzed chitin and cicada shells in 12 M HCl at 110 C
  • Figure 10. Ninhydrin reaction with reaction mixtures of hydrolyzed chitin in 12 M HCl at 25 C
  • Figure 11. Ninhydrin reaction with reaction mixtures of hydrolyzed cicada shells in 12 M HCl at 25C
  • Figure 12. An example of the gel generated from cicada shells after dialysis against 12,000-14,000 Da molecular weight cutoff.
  • Figure 13. Metabolic pathway from glycogen and amino acid to chitin. Enzyme names are omitted from the metabolic paths and cycles.