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An Experimental Modification to the Preparation of di-
-butyl ether from 1-butanol for the Undergraduate Teaching Course of Organic Laboratory
Weiqian Liao, Wushuang Lou, Weihua Jin, Shikun Li, Hui Mao, Yihui Bai
World Journal of Chemical Education
, 10(1), 46-50 doi:10.12691/wjce-10-1-6
Table 1. The influence of the catalyst dosage on the yielda
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Table 2. The influence of the reaction ending temperature on the reaction yield a
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Table 3. The effect of heating rate on the reaction yielda
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Table 4. Catalytic effects of reused catalyst
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Table 5. Comparison of catalytic effects of p-toluenesulfonic acid and concentrated sulfuric acida
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