Figures index


In-situ Surface Enhanced Electrochemical Chemiluminescence and Raman Scattering with Screen-printed Gold- and Silver-Electrodes

Achim Habekost

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 10(1), 23-37 doi:10.12691/wjce-10-1-4
  • Figure 1. Screen-printed-electrodes: Au-At (left), Au-Bt (middle), Ag (right) with working-electrode (circular), counter electrode (semicircle) and reference electrode (down-right)
  • Figure 2. SEM image of the working electrodes used. Top: Au-At, middle: Au-Bt and bottom: Ag (kindly from DropSens)
  • Figure 3. Cyclic voltammogramm (black line) and ECL intensity (red line) of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ with proline in 1 mmol KCL on an Au-At-SPE. Scan rate: 0.01 V/s. 1: Oxidation of [Ru(bpy)3]2+, 2: Oxidation of Cl-. Arrow indicates scan direction
  • Figure 4. Cyclic voltammogramm (black line) and ECL intensity (red line) of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ at an Au-Bt-SPE. Arrow indicates scan direction. Insert: Enlarged representation of CV and ECL between 0.8V and 1.5 V
  • Figure 5. ECL at four different scan rates (0.01 V/s (solid line),0.05 V/s (dashed line), 0.1 V/s (bold dotted line) and 0.2 V/s (thin dotted line). Only back scan presented
  • Figure 6. Cyclic voltammogramms (black and red solid lines) and ECL intensity (black and red dotted lines). Black lines: Au-At- electrode. Red lines: Au-At-electrode with additional electrolysis with AuCl3
  • Figure 7. Nyquist diagram of Au-At before (blue points) and after electrolysis with an aqueous solution of AuCl3 (1 mmol/L) at -1.5 V at two different times. 1s: red points and 2 s: black points
  • Figure 8. Raman spectra of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ on a silver electrode before (black line) and after electrochemical activation (red line)
  • Figure 9. Raman spectra of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ on an Au-Bt-SPE at different potentials
  • Figure 10. Ramanvoltammogram of the 1044 cm-1 vibration of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ (red line) and 348 cm-1 vibration of [Au+Cl-] (black dotted line) on an Au-Bt-SPE. Black solid line: CV
  • Figure S1. User interface
  • Figure S2. Potentiostat with ECL cell
  • Figure S3. Nyquist diagram (measuring points and fitted curve) with Randles circuit
  • Figure S4. User interface of AvaRaman
  • Figure S5. Bifurcated excitation – read fiber. Middle: read fiber, surrounded by six excitation fibers (illuminated)
  • Figure S6. Raman cell from Metrohm/DropSens
  • Figure S7. Scheme of the Ramanvoltammogram
  • Figure S8. The measuring programs used. Left: Cyclic voltammogram, right: Raman