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Compositional Analysis of Mixtures of Oleate Esters of Short Chain Alcohols (C1-C4) by Quantitative Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (qPNMR)

Ronald P. D’Amelia, Brandon Khanyan, Joseph Mancuso

World Journal of Chemical Education. 2022, 10(1), 1-7 doi:10.12691/wjce-10-1-1
  • Figure 1. NMR spectrum of >90% anhydrous methyl oleate
  • Figure 2. NMR spectrum of >90% anhydrous ethyl oleate
  • Figure 3. NMR spectrum of >90% anhydrous propyl oleate
  • Figure 4. NMR spectrum of >90% anhydrous butyl oleate
  • Figure 5. Proton NMR of a 4:1 mixture of MeOl: EtOl
  • Figure 6. Proton NMR of a 4:1 mixture of MeOl: PrOl
  • Figure 7. Proton NMR of a 4:1 mixture of MeOl: BuOl
  • Figure 8. Proton NMR of a 4:1 mixture of EtOl: PrOl
  • Figure 9. qNMR wt. % MeOl vs. gravimetric wt. % MeOl in MeOl:EtOl mixture
  • Figure 10. qNMR wt. % MeOl vs. gravimetric wt. % MeOl in MeOl:PrOl mixture
  • Figure 11. qNMR wt. % MeOl vs. gravimetric wt. % MeOl in MeOl:BuOl mixture
  • Figure 12. qNMR wt. % MeOl vs. gravimetric wt. % MeOl in MeOl:PrOl mixture