Tables index


Gene Actions and Combining Ability Analysis for Some Seed Characters in Citrullus Mucosospermus (Fursa)

Kouakou Fulgence Brou, Koffi Adjoumani, Saraka Didier Martial Yao, Kouamé Guillaume Koffi, Beket Sévérin Bonny, Raoul Sylvère Sié

World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2019, 7(3), 88-93 doi:10.12691/wjar-7-3-2
  • Table 1. Description of parental C. mucosospermus accessions used for complete diallel cross
  • Table 2. Seeds traits evaluated with their measurement methods
  • Table 3. Means performance of four C. mucosospermus inbred lines and their hybrids F1 for studied traits
  • Table 4. Analysis of variance of GCA and SCA, and gene effects for six seed traits in a four-parent diallel cross
  • Table 5. GCA and SCA effects of four C. mucosospermus inbred lines and their hybrids for all studied traits