Tables index


Effect of Different Spacing and Fertilizer Levels on Physical and Chemical Yield of Different Parts of Pogostemon heyneanus Benth. (Lamiaceae)

R.M.D.H. Rathnayake, R.M. Dharmadasa, D.C. Abeysinghe

World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2019, 7(2), 49-55 doi:10.12691/wjar-7-2-2
  • Table 1. Different Factors and the Levels of Treatments Used
  • Table 2. The Amount of Inorganic Fertilizer Applied for Pogostemon heyneanus at Different Maturity Stages
  • Table 3. Physical and Chemical Yield of Leaves of Pogostemon heyneanus under Different Treatment Combinations
  • Table 4. Physical and Chemical Yield of Stems of Pogostemon heyneanus under Different Treatment Combinations
  • Table 5. Physical and Chemical Yield of Roots Pogostemon heyneanus under Different Treatment Combinations
  • Table 6. Variation of Number of Leaves, Leaf Area, Length of Main Stem, Stem Diameter and Length of Main Root of Pogostemon heyneanus Three Months after Planting