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Phosphorous Use Efficiency of Safflower and Sunflower Grown in Different Soils
Jehad Abbadi
World Journal of Agricultural Research
, 5(4), 212-220 doi:10.12691/wjar-5-4-3
Effect of P supply on dry matter (g pot
) of safflower (A) and sunflower (B). For a given species and a given soil type, means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different, * indicates significant difference for a given plant species and a given P level within soil types. P< 0.05, n=3
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Effect of P supply on P concentration (mg P 100mg DM
) of safflower and sunflower in sandy soil (A) and loamy soil (B). For a given species and a given soil type, means within each column followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means in the same soil type and the same P level and different plant species followed by the same small letter are not significantly different, * indicates significant difference for a given plant species and a given P level within soil types. P< 0.05, n=3
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Effect of P supply on P accumulation between harvests (mg P pot
) for safflower (A) and sunflower (B). For a given species and a given soil type, means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different, * indicates significant difference for a given plant species and a given P level within soil types. P< 0.05, n=3
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Effect of P supply on PER (mg P in DM/ g DM) (A and B), PUI (g DM/ (g P 100g DM
) (C and D) for safflower and sunflower in sandy (A, C) and loamy (B, D) soil. For a given species and a given soil type, means within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different. * indicates significant difference between the two columns in each figure at the same P level. P< 0.05, n=3
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