Tables index


Bioethanol Production from Switchgrass Grown on Coal Fly Ash-amended Soil

Olushola M. Awoyemi, Ekundayo O. Adeleke

World Journal of Agricultural Research. 2017, 5(3), 147-155 doi:10.12691/wjar-5-3-4
  • Table 1. Concentrations (mean ± SD) of mineral elements in the CFA-soil admixtures at the start of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 2. Average values of mineral elements in the CFA-soil admixtures after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 3. Average values of mineral elements uptake by switchgrass roots after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 4. Average values of mineral elements uptake by switchgrass shoots after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 5. Bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of mineral elements by switchgrass roots after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 6. Enrichment factor (EF) of mineral elements by switchgrass shoots after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 7. Translocation factor (TF) of mineral elements by switchgrass shoots after 90 days of greenhouse pot study
  • Table 8. Switchgrass glucose and bioethanol yield (mean ± SD) in the CFA-soil admixtures