Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Goats in Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria
Adejinmi Olufunmilayo Olanike1, Adejinmi Johnson Olayide2, Falohun Olufarati Oludunsin2,, Aderoju Opeyemi Racheal1, Dauda Wale Japhet1
1Federal College of Animal Health and Production Technology, Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, Ibadan
2Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan
A prevalence study on the gastro intestinal parasites of goats was carried out for six months from May to October, 2014 in Ibadan, South Western, Nigeria. Four hundred (400) goats’ faecal samples comprising of 103 West African Dwarf and 297 Red sokoto breeds were collected from goats in households, market places and abattoir. They were examined for intestinal helminth eggs and protozoan oocysts using direct microscopic examination and sodium chloride floatation technique. Out of the 400 faecal samples examined, 303(75.75%) were positive for gastrointestinal parasites. The Red sokoto breed had a higher prevalence of 217(54.25%) while West African dwarf breed had the lower prevalence of 86(21.5%). Male goat had a prevalence of 163(40.85%) while female had a prevalence of 140(35%). The gastro intestinal parasites observed were Strongyloides papiillosus, Monieza spp, Coccidia spp and Strongyle spp. Strongyle spp had the highest prevalence while Monieza spp had the lowest prevalence. Of the total 217(54.3%) Red sokoto breeds positive for helminths, 120(30%) had mixed parasitic gastro-intestinal infection while 74(18.5%) of the total 86 (21.5%) WAD goats positive for helminth also had mixed infection. We suggest good management practices, prompt diagnosis and treatment with anthelmintic and antiprotozoa drugs and education of animal owners on bio-security as panacea to reduce the risk of infection and increase productivity of the animals.
Keywords: Gastro-intestinal parasites, mixed infection, goat, prevalence, Ibadan
World Journal of Agricultural Research, 2015 3 (2),
pp 49-51.
DOI: 10.12691/wjar-3-2-2
Received January 30, 2015; Revised March 02, 2015; Accepted March 05, 2015
Copyright © 2015 Science and Education Publishing. All Rights Reserved.Cite this article:
- Olanike, Adejinmi Olufunmilayo, et al. "Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Goats in Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria." World Journal of Agricultural Research 3.2 (2015): 49-51.
- Olanike, A. O. , Olayide, A. J. , Oludunsin, F. O. , Racheal, A. O. , & Japhet, D. W. (2015). Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Goats in Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Research, 3(2), 49-51.
- Olanike, Adejinmi Olufunmilayo, Adejinmi Johnson Olayide, Falohun Olufarati Oludunsin, Aderoju Opeyemi Racheal, and Dauda Wale Japhet. "Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Goats in Ibadan, Southwest, Nigeria." World Journal of Agricultural Research 3, no. 2 (2015): 49-51.
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1. Introduction
Domestic goat is among the earliest animals domesticated by man. They are distributed worldwide with higher concentrations in tropical areas and in dry zones [4]. Goats are excellent meat producers for human consumption in view of its short generation intervals and the absence of religious taboos associated with their meat as they are rich sources of protein and can help bridge the gap of protein malnutrition among consumers [11]. It has been documented that goats are the principal domesticated small ruminants in terms of total numbers and production of food and fibre products [15].
The intestine of goat is used to make catgut which is still in use as a material for internal human surgical sutures and string for musical instruments. Goat also produces a considerable amount of manure, which is of special importance in those areas where cattle are of lesser importance [9].
Environmental factors and vector abundance have been incriminated in the distribution of most parasitic diseases. Gastrointestinal parasites are common in both temperate and tropical countries, but more prevalent in warm countries where sanitation is poor and standard of living is low [12]. The continuous drive to increase meat production for the protein needs of the ever increasing world population is faced with a number of constraints [3], among which are diseases caused by intestinal helminths and protozoa [2].
Considering the importance of helminths and protozoan infections in goats and their implication for public health, this study was carried out to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites of goats in Ibadan so as to educate goat owners on transmission and proper control measures.
2. Materials and Method
2.1. Study Area and Sampling TechniqueA total of 400 faecal samples were collected from West African dwarf and Red sokoto breed of goats from Akinyele market in Akinyele local government area, Households at Ido local government area and Bodija abattoir in Ibadan North Local Government area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Faecal samples were appropriately collected from the rectum of goats using protective disposable gloves into clean and dry universal bottles and taken to Diagnostic parasitology laboratory section of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, University of Ibadan for processing.
2.2. Laboratory TechniqueDirect microscopic examination and sodium chloride floatation technique [14] were used to process the faecal samples. Identification of the eggs and oocysts were made on the basis of morphology and size of eggs. Faecal smears were prepared from fresh faecal samples on glass slides using saturated salt solution and covering with cover slips. The slides were examined microscopically for helminth eggs, oocysts and larvae using 10x and 40x objectives.
Data obtained were analyzed using Chi square on graph pad.
3. Result
Of the total 400 fecal samples collected, 303 (75.85%) were positive for gastrointestinal parasites. The Red sokoto breed had a higher prevalence of 217 (54.25%) while West African dwarf breed had the lower prevalence of 86 (21.5%). (Table 1).
Out of the total 303(75.75%) positive goats for gastrointestinal parasites, Male goat had a prevalence of 163(40.75%) while female had a prevalence of 140(35%). (Table 2).
The gastro intestinal parasites observed were Strongyloides papiillosus, Monieza spp, Coccidia spp and Strongyle spp. Strongyle spp had the highest prevalence 192(48%), followed by Coccidia spp 154(38.5%), Strongyloides papillosus 71(17.75%) and Moniezia spp had the lowest prevalence 34(8.5%).
There were mixed parasitic gastro-intestinal helminth infections in 120 (30%) Red sokoto breeds out of the 217(54.25%) positive goats and 74(18.5%) West African Dwarf breed out of the total 86(21.5%) positive goats (Table 3).
The result also showed that 91(22.75%) and 42(10.5%) Red sokoto and WAD breeds respectively had mixed helminths and protozoa infections. (Table 4).
Mixed helminth infections without protozoa infection occurred in 29(7.25%) and 32(8%) Red sokoto breed and West African Dwarf breed respectively.
4. Discussion
From this investigation, Strongyloides papiillosus, Monieza spp, Coccidia spp and Strongyle spp. were among the gastro-intestinal parasites of goats observed in this study. This agrees with the report of [6, 10] who noted that the most pathogenic helminths and protozoan parasites in the intestinal tract of small ruminants are Strongyle species, Strongyloides spp and Coccidia species.
Four species of gastro-intestinal parasites were identified in both West African Dwarf breeds and Red sokoto breeds with a total prevalence of 303(75.75%). The high prevalence of these intestinal parasites observed in these goats is in agreement with the findings of [8, 13, 10] who in their independent studies reported that helminth parasites are dominant in goats and are among the successful parasites of animals because of their efficient life cycle ranging from the very simple to the extremely complicated stage.
These high prevalence might be due to the system of management that these goats were subjected to as they were always left to wander about scavenging and feeding indiscriminately on anything they come in contact with and then return to their poorly kept sheds. These findings agree with the work of [5] who stated that animals are exposed to massive helminth infection when they are maintained in an unhygienic and poorly kept ranches and also when fed with contaminated food and water.
The prevalence of protozoan infection recorded in our investigation, may be due to overcrowding, poor management and hygiene. This is in accordance with the work of [7, 1, 10] who in their different studies reported that increase rate of protozoa infection was as a result of overcrowding and poor hygienic practice which greatly encourage the spread of these parasites, as these animals become carriers of intestinal protozoa parasites and continually contaminate the environment with eggs and oocysts of the parasites.
It is therefore paramount to note that during rainy season in tropical countries like Nigeria, environmental factors like temperature, humidity and moisture are favourable for the survival of the developmental stages of these gastro intestinal parasites. We therefore suggest that preventive measures (bio security), and good managemental practices, prompt diagnosis and treatment with anthelmintic and antiprotozoa drugs be implemented to reduce the risk of infection. However, resistance to the drugs by parasites has recently been observed and this should be avoided by discouraging self medication by animal owners.
5. Conclusion
It is important that some control measures for gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminants be undertaken to reduce parasite burden. Grazing fields should be kept free from contamination with faeces and urine of animals. Education of goat owners on method of transmission and effect of these parasites on the productivity of the animals should be carried out from time to time.
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