Figures index


Assessment of Health Hazards of Passive Tobacco Smoking in School-age Children; Role of Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Nitric Oxide Metabolites

Hanan Nomeir, Rania Gomaa, Sameh Zaytoun

World Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2016, 4(2), 19-25 doi:10.12691/wjac-4-2-2
  • Figure 1. Bar chart showing the significant difference between group I and group II as regards TAC as revealed by student T- test
  • Figure 2. Bar chart showing the significant difference between group I and group II as regards MDA as revealed by student T- test
  • Figure 3. Bar chart showing the significant difference between group I and group II as regards urinary cotinine levels as revealed by student T-test
  • Figure 4. Bar chart showing the significant difference between group I and group II as regards urinary cotinine levels as revealed by student T-test