Figures index


Production of Bio-fuel (Bio-Ethanol) from Biomass (Pteris) by Fermentation Process with Yeast

Pradipsaha, Md. FakhrulAlam, Ajit Chandra Baishnab, MaksudurRahman Khan, M. A. Islam

Sustainable Energy. 2014, 2(1), 25-28 doi:10.12691/rse-2-1-5
  • Figure 1. Investigation of the effect of particle size[R1 = 45-63µm; R2 = 63-125µm; and R3 = 125-250µm]
  • Figure 2. Effect of substrate loading.[ R3 = 2.5gm/L, R4 = 3.75gm/L, R5 = 1.25gm/L]
  • Figure 3. Effect of Enzyme loading.[R3 = 10ml/L R6 = 30ml/L, R7 = 20ml/L, R8 = 40ml/L]
  • Figure 4. Observation the fermentation reaction rate of the reducing sugar.[R1 = 0.025gm ; R2 = 0.05gm ; R3 = 0.075gm]