Pre-Treatment of Seeds of Annona Squamosa (Sugar Apple) A Non Timber Forest Product
Adeniji I.T1,, Adio A.F.1, Iroko O.A.1, Kareem A.A.1, Jegede O.C.1, Kazeem-Ibrahim F1, Adewole T.O.1, Adeosun A.O.1
1Department of Sustainable Forest Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria
An experiment was carried out at the seed laboratory of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria on effect of pre-treatment on seed germination of Annona squamosa. Seeds were subjected to four mechanical scarification, where seeds were filled at the hilum point, hilum and distal, distal, and around the edges of the seed. Four acid treatment (H2SO4,) where seeds were soaked for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 40 minutes. Three water scarification at room temperature of 30C for 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours. Result showed that (T0) has 26.6% germination, T4 seems to perform better with 80% total germination, T1 with 73.33% and T2 with 60%, T10 gave 53.33%. All other treatment gave germination percentage that is less than 50%. The analysis of variance showed that the mechanical scarification round the edges gave the best result (4.00a) which was not significantly different from the hilum point (3.67ab) and hilum and distal (3.00ab). These were also not significantly different from 12 hours (2.67abc) this was also not significantly different from 24 hours that gave 2.33bcd. The mechanical scarification distal, 10 minutes and 20 minutes have the same value of (1de).Scarification 30 minutes, 40 minutes and 6 hours have value of 0.33e, 0.00e and 0.33e respectively. These were not significantly different from control which have a value of 1.33de. From the experiment, mechanical scarification method can be recommended for an effective and good germination percentage. Soaking seed in water at room temperature for 12 hrs and 24 hrs will also perform fairly well and can be recommended as it is not tedious but cost effective.
At a glance: Figures
Keywords: dormancy, pre-treatment, annona squamosa, non-timber forest product
Research in Plant Sciences, 2014 2 (3),
pp 50-52.
DOI: 10.12691/plant-2-3-1
Received June 05, 2014; Revised July 25, 2014; Accepted August 07, 2014
Copyright © 2013 Science and Education Publishing. All Rights Reserved.Cite this article:
- I.T, Adeniji, et al. "Pre-Treatment of Seeds of Annona Squamosa (Sugar Apple) A Non Timber Forest Product." Research in Plant Sciences 2.3 (2014): 50-52.
- I.T, A. , A.F., A. , O.A., I. , A.A., K. , O.C., J. , F, K. , T.O., A. , & A.O., A. (2014). Pre-Treatment of Seeds of Annona Squamosa (Sugar Apple) A Non Timber Forest Product. Research in Plant Sciences, 2(3), 50-52.
- I.T, Adeniji, Adio A.F., Iroko O.A., Kareem A.A., Jegede O.C., Kazeem-Ibrahim F, Adewole T.O., and Adeosun A.O.. "Pre-Treatment of Seeds of Annona Squamosa (Sugar Apple) A Non Timber Forest Product." Research in Plant Sciences 2, no. 3 (2014): 50-52.
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1. Introduction
Plants had been the major source of food for man and animal and one of the important sources of medicines since the beginning of human. There is a growing demand for plant based medicines, health products, pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetics etc.
Annona squamosa Linn is a non timber multipurpose tree, small, well-branched or , from the family that bears edible fruits called sugar-apple, sweetsop, or sugar-pineapple. The flesh is fragrant and sweet, creamy white to light yellow, and resembles and tastes like and it is a source of medicinal & industrial product [1]. The plant is an exotic species native to the tropical Americas but now distributed throughout the tropics. Trees do well in hot and relatively dry climates such as those of many tropical countries. It is found in south-western and northern parts of Nigeria. It mature fast and tree may flower and bear fruit starting from 2–3 years of age and a five years old tree may produce as many as 50 fruits [2] it is nutritious, highly consumable and popular in markets [3].
A. squamosa is mainly grown in garden for its fruits and ornamental value. The fruits are generally eaten fresh, or used to make juice beverages or sorbet. It is high in , an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, a good source of thiamine and vitamin B6, and provides vitamin B2, B3 B5, B9, iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium in fair quantities [4]. It is considered beneficial for cardinal diseases, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and cancer. Many research works prove that every parts of Annona squamosa possesses medicinal property. [5, 6, 7]. The root is considered as drastic purgative and the crushed leaves are sniffed to overcome hysteria and fainting spells. They are also applied on ulcer and wounds; the dried unripe fruit powder is used to destroy vermin. The heat-extracted oil from the seeds has been employed against agricultural pests [8].
Seeds are black or dark brown, oblong, shiny and smooth with hard seed coat. Storage behavior is orthodox. If kept dry, seeds retain their viability for several years [9]. Seeds which are not given appropriate pre- treatment may fail to germinate altogether, germination may be slow or germination can take place in an individual seed over a long period of time. Seed treatment is to ensure and enhance uniform germination [10].
The seeds of this highly economic importance species have been recorded to have dormancy problems and also poor fruit production due to few natural pollinators [11]. In as such, there is need for appropriate pre-treatment to improve its germination potentials so as to enhance its mass production, management of healthy seeds and vigorous seedlings. The purpose of this experiment is to ensure that seed of the species germinate and that germination is on time and uniform.
2. Materials and Method
Seeds of Annona squamosa were collected from Omi–Adio in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria. Seeds were subjected to 11 different pre-treatment methods 4 mechanical scarification, 4 acid scarification, 3 water scarification (room temp at 30C) and a control. Each treatment was replicated 3 times with 10 seeds in each replicate as follows:
T0- Control
T1--Scarified with file at the hilum point
T2-Scarified with file at the hilum and distal point
T3- Scarified with file at the distal point
T4-Scarified with file round the seed
T5- -Soaked in concentrated H2SO4 for 10 minutes
T6-Soaked in concentrated H2SO4 for 20 minutes
T7-Soaked in concentrated H2SO4 for 30 minutes
T8-Soaked in concentrated H2SO4 for 40 minutes
T9- Soaked in water at room temperature for 6 hours
T10- Soaked in water at room temperature for 12 hours
T11- Soaked in water at room temperature for 24 hours
The seeds were placed in between Whatman No 1(9 cm) filter paper and set inside Copenhagen Germination tank in the seed laboratory of Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria where they were being maintained. Seeds were daily observed for 28 days to check for germination. The parameters assessed include total germination count and Percentage germination. Germination data collected were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean separated with Duncan Multiple Range Test at 5% level of probability
3. Results and Discussion
Trend observed on the chat (Figure 1) shows that A. Squamosa seeds with no treatment (T0) have 26.6% total germination percentage. The percentage germination was improved upon when pre-treated. The mechanical scarification round the longitudinal axis (T4) seems to perform better with 80% total germination, followed by Scarification at the hilum point (T1) with 73.33% and scarification at the hilium and distal T2 with (60%).This better performance may be attributed to the fact that there are spaces in the seed to imbibe moisture. This is in line as reported for the seed of Canavalia ensiformis (Jack beans) Afzelia africana and Parkia biglobosa [12, 13, 14]. Soaking the seed in water for 12 hours (T10) gave 53.33%, soaking for 24 hours (T11) gave 46.60% while that of 6 hours (T9) was 6.6%. This also agrees with the work of [15]. Their work indicated that soaking seeds of Tamarindus indica in water for 12 and 24 hours enhances germination. Acid treatment seems not to enhance germination of the species as soaking the seed in acid for 10 minutes (T5) gave 20%, 20 minutes (T6) gave 20%, 30 minutes (T8) gave 6.66% and 40 minutes (T9) did not germinate at all. This may be because acid must have scorched the seed coat and damage the cotyledon. (Figure 1).
Result from the analysis of variance showed that T4 gave the best result (4.00a) which was not significantly different from T1 (3.67ab) and T2 (3.00ab). These were not also significantly different from T10 (2.67abc), this was also not significantly different from T11 that gave 2.33bcd. Furthermore, T3, T5 and T6 have the same value of (1de) and T7, T8 and T9 have value of 0.33e, 0.00e and 0.33e respectively. These were not significantly different from control which have a value of 1.33de. All at 5% level of significant (Table 1).
Table 2. analysis of variance table (anova) on the effect of pre- treatment on seed germination of annona squamosa
4. Conclusion
Seed germination of Annona squamosa was improved upon when pre-treated, scarification at all sides around the longitudinal axis and at the hilium of seeds of A. squamosa seems to perform better compare to other treatment used. This method can be adopted for an effective and good germination percentage. Soaking seed in water at room temperature at 30C for 12 hrs and 24 hrs also perform well with no significance differences between their values and that of the mechanical scarification. In summary, soaking the seed of Annona squamosa in water can be adopted as this is quite simple and cost effective.
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