Figures index


Misinterpretation of Silver Coated Wounds Dressing as Gastrograffin Bowel Leak: Case Report

Saed Jaber, Ali Shehri, Ali Orf, Mahmoud AbdelMoeti, Bader Tayara, Mohamad Saif, Basma Fallatah

Global Journal of Surgery. 2014, 2(1), 1-3 doi:10.12691/js-2-1-1
  • Figure 1. Wounds are packed with silver coated dressing (short and long arrow)
  • Figure 2. Silver Coated dressing was taken out from the anterior abdominal wall wound
  • Figure 3. a: Silver coated dressing in the perirectal cavity with gastrograffin in rectum; b: Silver coated dressing taken out and packed with Gauze; still Gastrograffin is seen in rectum
  • Figure 4. Anterior abdominal wound is packed with silver coated dressing. Clearly there is air around the dressing which may lead to misinterpretation