Figures index


Continuous Low Level Heat Wraps; Faster Healing and Pain Relief during Rehabilitation for Back, Knee and Neck Injuries

Jerrold Petrofsky, Michael Laymon, Faris Alshammari, Iman Akef Khowailed, Haneul Lee

World Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015, 3(3), 61-72 doi:10.12691/jpm-3-3-3
  • Figure 1. The strength difference in neck flexion, extension, lateral left and right rotation and left and right flexion
  • Figure 2. The change in range of motion in neck flexion, extension, lateral left and right rotation and left and right
  • Figure 3. The disability score each week in the 2 groups of subjects
  • Figure 4. The analog visual pain scale before and after heat in the heat wrap group
  • Figure 5. The analog visual pain scale before exercise in the control group. Each point is the mean +/_ the standard deviation for all subjects
  • Figure 6. The change in strength from the beginning to the end of the study for knee flexion and extension in the heat and control group
  • Figure 7. The change in range of motion from the beginning to the end of the study for knee flexion and extension in the heat and control groups
  • Figure 8. Disability score in the heat and control groups
  • Figure 9. The pain recorded before and after heat use at home before home exercise
  • Figure 10. The pain recorded before home exercise in the control group
  • Figure 11. The change in strength on a 0 to 12 scale for the control and heat groups comparing pre to 2 week post measures. Each point is the mean of the group +/- the SD
  • Figure 12. Change in Range of motion in the control and heat groups over the 2 week period. Each point is the mean for the group +/- the Standard Deviation
  • Figure 13. Change in disability index as assessed in the Roland-Morris and Oswestry tests in the control and heat subject groups. Each point is the mean for the group +/- the Standard Deviation
  • Figure 14. The analog visual pain scale as recorded by the participants at home each day before heat (blue) and after heat but just before exercise (red). Each point is the mean of the group +/- the SD for the Heat group
  • Figure 15. The analog visual pain scale as recorded by the participants at home each evening before their home exercise program. Each point is the mean of the group +/- the SD for the control group