Scheme 1. Schematic representation of drug release from non swellable film-diffusion (a) and from a film made of swellable polymer (b). The phenomena of water uptake, swelling, polymer chain relaxation, drug diffusion, polymer chain disentanglement, and polymer edibility are depicted


Model Drug Release from Potato Starch-Starch Glycolate Microparticles and Films with and without Incorporated Nano-SiO2

Fateh Eltaboni, Amira Alhodeary, Mona Ibrahim, Fawzia Ali, Aya Al Abdali, Nadin Al Farsi, Fatma Elshibani, Mohamed Ali Sharkasi

Journal of Polymer and Biopolymer Physics Chemistry. 2020, 8(1), 15-27 doi:10.12691/jpbpc-8-1-2