Figures index


Effects of Fiber Inclusion and γ Radiation on Physico-mechanical Properties of Jute Caddies Reinforced Waste Polyethylene Composite

Sardar M Shauddin, Chironjit K Shaha, Mubarak A Khan

Journal of Polymer and Biopolymer Physics Chemistry. 2014, 2(4), 91-97 doi:10.12691/jpbpc-2-4-6
  • Figure 1. Waste polyethylene shopping bags and jute caddies
  • Figure 2. FT-IR spectrum of raw jute
  • Figure 3. FT-IR spectrum of jute caddies
  • Figure 4. Effect of jute caddies content on the tensile properties of the composite (JC/WPE)
  • Figure 5. Effect of jute caddies content on the flexural properties of the composite (JC/WPE)
  • Figure 6. Effect of gamma radiation on the tensile strength of the composites and polymer matrix sheets
  • Figure 7. Effect of gamma radiation on the bending strength of the composites and polymer matrix sheets
  • Figure 8. Effect of soaking time on water absorption of JC/WPE composites at different wt% of jute caddies