Figure 2. Proportion of total average MET-hours per year contributed by running and cycling and other activities across the life periods for IUEE13-18 (a), IUEE19-30 (b), IUEE31-45 (c), IUEE46-60 (d) and IUEE61-75 (e). Error bars represent SD and * indicates a significant difference between life periods (p < .05). Note: Visually the largest increase for IUEE31-45 (c) and IUEE46-60 (d) appear in later life periods. This is due to reduced participant numbers in subsequent life periods increasing the average for the group (i.e. for IUEE31-45 n = 44 in 31-45 years and n = 3 in 61- 75 years; for IUEE46-60 n = 22 in 46-60 years and n = 3 in 61- 75 years)


Changes in Physical Activity across the Lifetime of Current Ultra-Endurance Exercisers

Karen Birkenhead, Geoff Lovell, Susan I. Barr, Colin Solomon

Journal of Physical Activity Research. 2018, 3(1), 11-19 doi:10.12691/jpar-3-1-3