Figures index


Assessment of Air Flow over an Equilateral Triangular Obstacle in a Horizontal Channel Using FVM

Roya Shademani, Parviz Ghadimi, Rahim Zamanian, Abbas Dashtimanesh

Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. 2013, 1(1), 12-16 doi:10.12691/jmsa-1-1-3
  • Figure 1. Schematic diagram of triangular obstacle in the channel
  • Figure 2. Horizontal velocity of plane poiseuille at Reynolds number=100
  • Figure 3. Validation of overall drag coefficient with different Reynolds number for β=0.05 in Air
  • Figure 4. Flow past a triangular cylinder at Reynolds number = 1.4
  • Figure 5. Flow past a triangular cylinder at Reynolds number = 20.8
  • Figure 6. Transformations of the flow around a triangular obstacle with increasing Reynolds numbers
  • Figure 7. Center of eddies l/b as a function of Reynolds number for steady and symmetry flow