Tables index


Structure, Melting and Transport Properties of Binary Liquid Pd-Si Metal Alloys: Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Muhammad Faruq, Antoine Villesuzanne, Meilan Guo, Guosheng Shao

Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry. 2017, 5(1), 20-31 doi:10.12691/jmpc-5-1-3
  • Table 1. Q-SC Potential Parameters for the Pd-Si System
  • Table 2. Comparison of Lattice Parameters, Cohesive Energy and Bulk Modulus From This Work and Theory or Experiment for Pd-Sifcc Alloys at 0 K.
  • Table 3. Comparison of Lattice Parameters, Cohesive Energy and Bulk Modulus From This Work and Theory or Experiment for Pd-Siicsd Alloys at 0 K.
  • Table 4. The Melting Points of Pd, Si and Pd–Si Alloys Calculated From Q-SC Potentials (Heating Rate 5K/Ps)with The Experimental Data From Ref. [52] and Other Theoretical Calculated Data
  • Table 5. Calculated Diffusion Coefficients (nm2/ns) for Pd-SiICSD Alloys Near the Melting Point (MP)
  • Table 6. Arrhenius Equation Parameter Values for The Self-Diffusion Coefficients (See Equation 6)