Tables index


Description of the Mechanical Behavior of Mortars Made out of Coconut Fibers and Rice Straw Treated with Homemade Solution

Ange Christine DJOHORE, Conand Honore KOUAKOU, Koffi Clement KOUADIO, Aka Alexandre ASSANDE, Edjikeme EMERUWA

Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry. 2022, 10(1), 27-35 doi:10.12691/jmpc-10-1-5
  • Table 1. Formulation of potash solutions and their pH
  • Table 2. Compressive mechanical characteristics of earth mortars
  • Table 3. Mechanical flexural characteristics of mortars
  • Table 4. Compressive mechanical characteristics of mortars containing treated fibers
  • Table 5. Mechanical flexural characteristics of mortars containing treated fibers