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Synthesis Polysulfone-Acetylethanol Ultrafiltration Membranes. Application to Oily Wastewater Treatment

Martin Alberto Masuelli

Journal of Materials Physics and Chemistry. 2013, 1(3), 37-44 doi:10.12691/jmpc-1-3-3
  • Figure 1. Graph of the filtration system: (1-2) feeding reservoir-retained, (3) thermostatic bath, (4) pump, (5) pressure sensor, (6) cell Minitan-S, (7) membrane, (8) valve, (9) flowmeter, (10) permeate reservoir, (11) analytical balance, (12) Computer
  • Figure 2. Schematic diagram of Polysulfone functionalization
  • Figure 3. FTIR-ATR spectra of the membranes
  • Figure 4. 1H-NMR of a- PSf, and b- PSf-COEtOH
  • Figure 5. SEM image of membranes. Surface a- 17PSf, b- PSf-COEtOH. Cross Section c- 17PSf, and d- PSfCOEtOH
  • Figure 6. a- Pore size distribution. b- Testing membrane fouling