Figure 6. Fell dolerite in triangular diagrams. (A). Tb-Th-Ta triangle after [19], BAB: Back Arc Basin Basalts, CT: Continental Tholeiites; 1. Orogenic Basalts, 2. Continental Tholeiites and Arc Basin Basalts and 3. Non orogenic Basalts. (B): La-Y-Nb [20]: 1: Arcrelated orogenic series, 2: Intermediate domain of continental tholeiites, 3: Anorogenic series of oceanic ridges and intraplate alkaline basalts, (C): Th-Hf-Ta [21]: A: N-type MORB, B: E-type MORB and tholeiitic within-plate basalts and differentiates, C: Alkaline within-plate basalts and differentiates, D: Destructive plate-margin basalts and differentiates


Petrography and Geochemical Features of Dolerites Dykes from Fell (Adamawa Plateau, Cameroon-Central Africa)

Okomo AtoubaL.C., Fagny M.A., Kada B., Edima Yana R.W., Ngougoure M.S., Kamgang Kabeyene B.V

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2021, 9(2), 74-82 doi:10.12691/jgg-9-2-4