Figure 1. Geomorphology and Location map of the Meїganga study area. A. The main lateritic plateaus of Cameroon. B. Cross sections along the Adamaoua plateau. C. Digital elevation model (DEM) of the Meїganga study area. D. Topographic map of the Meїganga study site


Lithogenic Concentrations of Useful Elements and Residual Mineralization Indices in the Weathering Products Derived from Mineralized Rocks in Meїganga (Central Cameroon)

Tchaptchet. T.W., Tematio. P., Njiki. C.C., Guimapi. T.N., Hapi. F., Tiomo. I., Tchuenkam. D.B., Momo. N.N.M.

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2019, 7(3), 112-133 doi:10.12691/jgg-7-3-3