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Near Surface Characterization of Ebem Community, Ohafia Abia State, Using Seismic Refraction Tomography

Nwankwo C.N., Ogagarue D.O.

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2019, 7(2), 73-79 doi:10.12691/jgg-7-2-3
  • Figure 1. Some landslide locations in Ebem community, Ohafia
  • Figure 2. Map of Ohafia Local Government Area showing the study location
  • Figure 3. Field setup for tomographic data acquisition
  • Figure 4. Shot record after gain application
  • Figure 5. Time-distance plot for the first forward and reversed shots for profile 1
  • Figure 6. Time-distance plot for the first forward and reversed shots for profile 2
  • Figure 7. Time-distance plot for the first forward and reversed shots for profile 3
  • Figure 8. Typical velocity distribution model in Ebem