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Contribution to the Imagery of Landsat 8 for Identification of the Corridors of Mineralisation: Application for Formations of Precambrians Bindiba

Jacques Wassouo Wadjou, Abakar Mahamat, Fodoué Yaya, Ethel Ashukem Nkongho, Eugene Pascal Binam Mandeng, Dagwai Nguihdama, Ismaela Ngounounou

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2019, 7(1), 15-27 doi:10.12691/jgg-7-1-3
  • Figure 1. Cameroon geological according to [12] showing the study zone
  • Figure 2. a) Directional filtration 3 x 3; b) Sobel Directional filter 7X7properties
  • Figure 3. a and d) color composition; b) band rations 3/4 4/2 5/1; c) Sobel filter
  • Figure 4. a) Linear map of the Bindiba area; b) foliation map of the study area; c) rosette of distribution of the directions of the lineaments
  • Figure 5. Lineation and foliation map
  • Figure 6. Geological sketch of the Bindiba area
  • Figure 7. (a) granite outcropping; (b) outcrop of othogneiss slabs; (c) show diorites showing a quartz enclave; d) gneiss showing alternation of light and dark band; e) metagranite; outcropping of weathered schists; f) aplite vein intersecting the orthogneisses; g) pegmatite vein intersecting quartzites; (h) mylonite vein intersecting orthogneiss
  • Figure 8. a) Soil profile showing mineralized quartzo feldspar stones; (b) artisanal gold mining in the lowlands; c-d) traces and marks of gold veins
  • Figure 9. Directional rosette of the gold bearing seams
  • Figure 10. Map showing the gold mineralization corridors of the study area
  • Figure 11. a) outcrop showing orthogenesis of foliations; b) dissymmetrical P2 folds with a long side and a side court in orthogenesis
  • Figure 12. Rosettes showing stereographic projections of poles in the attitudes of the foliations highlighting the presence of fold
  • Figure 13. Rosettes of fracture direction distributions
  • Figure 14. Bindiba geological map showing linear structures and gold mineralization corridors