Tables index


Nature and Genesis of Vertisols and North Cameroon Management Experience: A Review

P. Azinwi Tamfuh, E. Temgoua, V.L. Onana, P. Wotchoko, F.O. Tabi, D. Bitom

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2018, 6(3), 124-137 doi:10.12691/jgg-6-3-3
  • Table 1. Morphological and physical properties of some Vertisols in North Cameroon [60] and Turkey [12,15].
  • Table 2. Chemical compostion of some Vertisols in the world [28,65]
  • Table 3. Geotechnical properties of some Vertisols in the world [28,65].
  • Table 4. Correlation coefficients (r) amongst different mechanical properties of Vertisols [28,29,65] (n=25)
  • Table 5. Relationship between microlows and microhighs of gilgai microrelief [91]