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Identification of Spatial Distribution of Geochemical Anomalies Based on GIS and C-A Fractal Model – A Case Study of Jiurui Copper Mining Area

Anh Huy Hoang, Tien Thanh Nguyen

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2016, 4(2), 36-41 doi:10.12691/jgg-4-2-3
  • Figure 1. Location map of 1482 stream sediment samples and 13 ore deposits
  • Figure 2. Histogram, density trace, 1-D scatter plot, boxplot and ECDF-plot of Cu concentration for raw data (a, b) and Box-Cox transformed data (c, d)
  • Figure 3. The CP-plots of the original data (a) and of the interpolated data (b), the grey-scale map of the interpolated data (c) and the C-A plotfor log-transformed Cu (d)
  • Figure 4. The C-A plots for Cu: cumulated upwards (a) and downwards (b)
  • Figure 5. Spatial distribution map of background and anomalous samples for Cu