Tables index


Some Aspects of Thunderstorm over India during Pre-Monsoon Season: A Preliminary Report-I

Yashvant Das

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2015, 3(3), 68-78 doi:10.12691/jgg-3-3-3
  • Table 1. Thunderstorm damage/loss in India with their monetary values
  • Table 2 (A). Thermodynamic instability parameters (0000 UTC of 10 April, 2015)
  • Table 2. B. Thermodynamic instability parameters (0000 UTC of 15 April, 2015)
  • Table 2 C. Thermodynamic instability parameters (0000 UTC of 17 April, 2015)
  • Table 2. D. Thermodynamic instability parameters (0000 UTC of 20 April, 2015)
  • Table 2. E. Thermodynamic instability parameters (0000 UTC of 24 April, 2015)