Figures index


Some Aspects of Thunderstorm over India during Pre-Monsoon Season: A Preliminary Report-I

Yashvant Das

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2015, 3(3), 68-78 doi:10.12691/jgg-3-3-3
  • Figure 1. (a), Skew-T, 10/00 UTC, Mumbai; (b) Skew-T, 15/00 UTC, Patiala (c) Skew-T,17/00 UTC, Guwahati, (d) Skew-T, 17/00 UTC, Mumbai, (e) Skew-T, 24 /00 UTC Mumbai, (f) Skew-T, 24/00 UTC, Guwahati
  • Figure 2. (a) Vishakhapatnam, 15/0940 UTC, (b) Bhopal, 15/1152 UTC, (c) Vishakhapatnam, 17/1111 UTC, (d) Chennai, 17/1130 UTC, (e) Chennai, 24/1300 UTC, (f) Kolkata, 24/1203 UTC
  • Figure 3. Diagram showing the thunderstorm risk assessment model development steps/components