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Lineament and Lithological Mapping of Meta-Sediments and Granitoids of Goz-Beïda (Eastern Chad) Based on Semi-Automatic Processing of Landsat 8 Oli/Tirs Images

Félix Nenadji Djerossem, Ngarbagne Rirabé, Gustave Ronang Baïssemia, Moussa Ngarena Klamadji, Malik Hisseine Malik

Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics. 2024, 12(4), 80-86 doi:10.12691/jgg-12-4-1
  • Figure 1. A) Tectonic Map of Africa, location map of Chad. The main geologic features of Africa are indicated . B) Geological map of Chad showing the Precambrian formations. C) Satellite image of the study area pre-processed using radiometric calibration and atmospheric correction
  • Figure 2. The various Landsat-8 OLI/TIR image processing techniques used in this study. CC (Colored Composition); PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
  • Figure 3. Images from Sobel directional filters. A) N-S direction; B) E-W direction; C) NE-SW direction and D) NW-SE direction
  • Figure 4. Lineament map obtained by automatic extraction method
  • Figure 5. Lineaments map of Goz-Beïda after validation
  • Figure 6. Rose diagram of lineament directions extracted from satellite images
  • Figure 7. Image resulting from Color Composition (RGB) processing using the 7/5/1band combination
  • Figure 8. Image processed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA1, PCA2 and PCA3) in RGB mode
  • Figure 9. Macroscopic and microscopic photographs: (a, b and c) muscovite/biotite quartzite; (d, e and f) metapelite; (g, h and i) pyroxene monzonite; (j, k and l) biotite/muscovite granite and (m, n and o) biotite/muscovite leucogranite
  • Figure 10. lithological map of Goz-Beïda