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Food Insecurity, Social Vulnerability, and the Impact of COVID-19 on Population Dependent on Public Assistance / SNAP: A Case Study of South Carolina, USA

I.C. Esobi, M. K. Lasode, C. I Anyanwu, M.O Flores Barriguete, M. A. Okorie, D.O Lasode

Journal of Food Security. 2021, 9(1), 8-18 doi:10.12691/jfs-9-1-2
  • Figure 1. COVID-19 case timeline in South Carolina, USA
  • Figure 2. COVID-19 death timeline in South Carolina, USA
  • Figure 3. Population dependent on food stamps; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 4. Population with education less than high school; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 5. Population aged 65 years and above; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 6. Population below poverty level; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 7. Population with no health or life insurance; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 8. Population with disabilities; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 9. Unemployed population; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 10. SoVI map; distribution of COVID-19 cases
  • Figure 11. SoVI scores per county