Tables index


Food Stuff Available on Market Stalls and Restaurants in Rural Urban Centers; a Case of Kagadi Town, Uganda

Charles L. Tumuhe, Jackson Kusiima, William Sekamate, Matia Mulumba

Journal of Food Security. 2020, 8(1), 29-37 doi:10.12691/jfs-8-1-4
  • Table 1. Categories of Respondents and Numbers Sampled
  • Table 2. Available foods on the Mmarket in KTC
  • Table 3. The scarce food items that are on high demand in KTC
  • Table 4. Sources of food items sold and consumed in KTC
  • Table 5. Main sources of food items that are sold in KTC
  • Table 6. Responses from household survey on challenges, causes and possible solutions