Figures index


How to Improve World Food Supply Stability under Future Uncertainty: Potential Role of WTO Regulation on Export Restrictions in Rice

Tetsuji Tanaka, Baris Karapinar

Journal of Food Security. 2019, 7(4), 129-150 doi:10.12691/jfs-7-4-5
  • Figure 1. Model structure: Overview
  • Figure 2. Model structure: Household consumption
  • Figure 3. Paddy rice productivity [Unit: tonnes/hectare] (Data source: FAOSTAT)
  • Figure B.1. Distribution of paddy rice productivity of the world (1961-2011) (Source: Authors’ calculation from the FAOSTAT)
  • Figure B.2. Distribution of paddy rice productivity (1961-2011) (Source: Authors’ calculation from the FAOSTAT)