Table 2. Simulation scenarios(Notes: Diff.=Differentiated, Non-diff=Non-differentiated, SD = standard deviation, DQ = Differentiated quantitative restrictions, NQ = Non-differentiated quantitative restrictions, Dduty = Differentiated duty, Nduty = Non-differentiated duty, _15% = Price trigger of 15%, _25% = Price trigger of 25%, _N: New reference equilibrium, 2xSD = standard deviation twice as observed. Example: DQ25-50_15% = Differentiated quantitative restrictions applied at 25% for major exporter, 50% by minor exporters, both responding to the price trigger of 15%.)


How to Improve World Food Supply Stability under Future Uncertainty: Potential Role of WTO Regulation on Export Restrictions in Rice

Tetsuji Tanaka, Baris Karapinar

Journal of Food Security. 2019, 7(4), 129-150 doi:10.12691/jfs-7-4-5