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Evaluation of Mechanisms of Phosphorus Use Efficiency in Traditional Wheat Cultivars for Sustainable Cropping
Jehad Abbadi
Journal of Food Security
, 5(6), 197-211 doi:10.12691/jfs-5-6-1
Figure 1.
Effect of P supply on shoot dry weight (g/ pot) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
Full size figure and legend
Figure 2.
Effect of P supply on root length (cm/ pot) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
Full size figure and legend
Figure 3.
Effect of P supply on root radius (A, µm) and specific root density (B, cm root/ g root) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
Full size figure and legend
Figure 4.
Effect of P supply on root relative root growth rate (A, cm root/ S), relative shoot growth rate (B, g shoot/ S) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
Full size figure and legend
Figure 5.
Effect of P supply on root shoot ratio (cm root/ g shoot) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 6.
Effect of P supply on shoot demand [RSGR, (g shoot/ day)/ (cm/ root)] of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 7.
Effect of P supply on P content (A, mg/ 100mg DM) and accumulation (B, mg/ pot) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi) shoot. For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 8.
Effect of P supply on soil solution P content (A, mg P/ L soil solution) and CAL-extractable soil P content (B, mg P/ 100g soil) and P buffer capacity (C, mg P/ L soil solution)/(mg P/ 100mg CAL soil) in the soil grown by wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 9.
Effect of P supply on P uptake rate (µmol P/ cm root/S) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi). For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 10.
Effect of P supply on percentage recovery of P (soil solution, CAL extractable) of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi) shoot. For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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Figure 11.
Effect of P supply on PER (A, g shoot/ g P in shoot) and PUI (B, g shoot/ %P in shoot) for of wheat (Anbar, Kahhatat, and Noursi) shoot. For a given wheat cultivar and different P supply, means followed by the same capital letter are not significantly different, means of the same P supply within cultivars followed by the same small letter are not significantly different. P< 0.05, n=4
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