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Food Economic Accessibility and Affordability in the Mediterranean Region: an Exploratory Assessment at Micro and Macro Levels
Roberto Capone, Hamid El Bilali, Philipp Debs, Gianluigi Cardone, Noureddin Driouech
Journal of Food Security
, 2(1), 1-12 doi:10.12691/jfs-2-1-1
Figure 1.
Cereals imports dependency ratios trend in the period 1990-92/2007-09. Trend in Bosnia and Slovenia refers to the period 1994-96/2007-09 (Source: Authors’ elaboration based on data from the FAOSTAT)
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Trend of Consumer food price indices in selected Mediterranean countries in the period 2005-2011. Source: Authors’ elaboration based on LABORSTA data
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Figure 3.
Food consumption expenditure in selected Mediterranean countries (%). In case data were available for different years the latest figure was considered. Source: FAO elaboration based on ILO, LABORSTA data. Greece, Portugal Serbia and Turkey: includes tobacco and hotel expenses; Malta: Includes tobacco; Cyprus and Spain: excludes alcoholic beverages
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