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The Influence on Phenolic, Aroma Compounds, Rheological and Sensory Properties of Chocolates by Different Strains Inoculated Fermentation
Ying Chun Lin, Youk Meng Choong
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
, 9(3), 124-135 doi:10.12691/jfnr-9-3-4
Table 1. Effects of different strains inoculated on the FP and PAC content of chocolates produced from different fermentation boxes
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Table 2. Rheological, textural properties, and color parameters of chocolates produced from different fermentation boxes
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Table 3. The organoleptic properties of chocolates produced from different fermentation boxes
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Table 4. The proportions of each aroma compound of chocolate from different fermentation boxes and its odor description
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Table 5. Information of components in PCA
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Table 6. Principal components factor loadings for aroma compounds of chocolate
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