Figure 1. Some 70% of copper is taken up at the brush border in intestinal cells by a specific copper ions transporter (Ctr1). These enter the cytoplasm and follow 3 different pathways mediated by 3 different Cu chaperones in the cytoplasm: COX17 (an essential protein in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase within the mitochondrion), Atox1 (binds and deliver cytosolic copper to the copper ATPase proteins) and CCS (delivers Cu to superoxide dismutase)


Effects of Copper Supplementation on Lipid Oxidation and Meat Quality of Merino X Texel Lambs

Garrine CMLP, Fernandes TH, Yoshikawa CYC, Correa LB, Bell V, Netto AS, Zanetti MA

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2021, 9(10), 539-549 doi:10.12691/jfnr-9-10-6