Figures index


Effects of Copper Supplementation on Lipid Oxidation and Meat Quality of Merino X Texel Lambs

Garrine CMLP, Fernandes TH, Yoshikawa CYC, Correa LB, Bell V, Netto AS, Zanetti MA

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2021, 9(10), 539-549 doi:10.12691/jfnr-9-10-6
  • Figure 1. Some 70% of copper is taken up at the brush border in intestinal cells by a specific copper ions transporter (Ctr1). These enter the cytoplasm and follow 3 different pathways mediated by 3 different Cu chaperones in the cytoplasm: COX17 (an essential protein in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase within the mitochondrion), Atox1 (binds and deliver cytosolic copper to the copper ATPase proteins) and CCS (delivers Cu to superoxide dismutase)