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The Nutritional Quality of Dried Salted Cod: the Effect of Processing and Polyphosphates Addition
Bárbara Teixeira, Rogério Mendes
Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
, 8(7), 304-312 doi:10.12691/jfnr-8-7-1
Table 1. Total Amino Acids Composition (g/100 g wet weight) and Protein Quality Indexes of Cod Throughout the Processing of Dried Salted Cod. Values are expressed as average ± standard deviation. Different letters (a-e) in the same row denote significant differences (p < 0.05) among the different processing steps. Hydroxyproline contents were bellow detection limit. Abbreviations: <DL - below detection limit; rat-PER - rat protein efficiency ratio; EAAI - essential amino acid index; BV - biological value
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Table 2. Total Amino Acids Composition (g/100 g dry weight) of Cod Throughout the Processing of Dried Salted Cod. Values are expressed as average ± standard deviation. Different letters (a-e) in the same row denote significant differences (p < 0.05) among the different processing steps. Hydroxyproline contents were bellow detection limit. Abbreviations: <DL - below detection limit
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Table 3. Total Amino Acids Composition (g/100 g of amino acids) of Cod Throughout the Processing of Dried Salted Cod. Values are expressed as average ± standard deviation. Different letters in the same row (a-c) denote significant differences (p p < 0.05) between control and polyphosphates treatments for each amino acid. Hydroxyproline contents were bellow detection limit. Abbreviations: PP - polyphosphates; <DL - below detection limit
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