Figures index


A Clinical Investigation: A Weight Loss Kit with a Prebiotic Formula for Weight Management and Metabolic Improvement

Hui-Chun Chang, Bo-Han Wu, Yen-Ju Lin, Yung-Hao Lin, Yung-Hsiang Lin, Chen-Meng Kuan

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2020, 8(6), 279-287 doi:10.12691/jfnr-8-6-6
  • Figure 1. Trial profile
  • Figure 2. Relative abundance of bacteria in human intestines. (A) A. muciniphila (WLPK-AKK: n = 30; ND/WLPK: n = 29; mean value ± S.D.). (B) Firmicutes (WLPK-AKK: n = 30; ND/WLPK: n = 29; mean value ± S.D.). (C) Bacteroidetes (n = 29; mean value ± S.D.). (D) Bifidobacterium. spp. (WlPK-AKK /ND: n = 29; WLPK: n = 28; mean value ± S.D.)