Figure 2. HPLC-UV (330 nm) profile of phenolic compounds from Passiflora tripartita var. mollisima shell. The identity of flavonoid compounds was detailed in Table 2


Valorization Strategy of Banana Passion Fruit Shell Wastes: An Innovative Source of Phytoprostanes and Phenolic Compounds and Their Potential Use in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industries

Sonia Medina, Jacinta Collado-González, Federico Ferreres, Julián Londoño-Londoño, Claudio Jiménez-Cartagena, Alexandre Guy, Thierry Durand, Jean-Marie Galano, Angel Gil-Izquierdo

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2017, 5(11), 801-808 doi:10.12691/jfnr-5-11-2