Figures index


Beneficial Effects of Hydrolysates of Whey Proteins in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

Eunju Park, Bo-Young Seo, Yoe-Chang Yoon, Seung-Min Lee

Journal of Food and Nutrition Research. 2017, 5(11), 794-800 doi:10.12691/jfnr-5-11-1
  • Figure 1. Effects of diet groups on in vitro ACE inhibition and average daily food intake, spleen weight and GOT in animal groups after 8 weeks of study
  • Figure 2. Effect of WPC or its hydrolysates on SBP during the study period
  • Figure 3. Effects of WPC or its hydrolysates on ACE activity in the kidney, blood and aorta and nitrate to nitrite ratio
  • Figure 4. Effects of WPC or its hydrolysates on mean tail moment in the kidney and SOD, GPx and catalase activities in erythrocytes